Call for Abstracts

Submission guidelines

Abstract submission for EAPL 2025 is OPEN now!

Abstract submission for EAPL 2025 is OPEN now!

25 March 2025 –Abstract Submission Deadline

15 May 2025 –Notification of Acceptance



  • Oral presentation sessions provide the opportunity for an extended presentation of your research, followed by a discussion with participants within dedicated parallel sessions, which will be grouped by the organisers.
  • The duration of oral presentations is 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for discussions and questions.


  • The poster session will be a unique opportunity for extended discussion of your research, potentially with all conference participants.
  • Participation: We require one poster author who is registered for the conference to attend the entire respective session.


  • Blitz-Talks are concise individual contributions.
  • Each presenter will have 5 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions.
  • Blitz-Talks can report all types of research, but this submission type is especially suitable for presenting single studies on novel topics, new data for discussion, replication studies, null findings, and multi-study papers using a well-known methodology.


  • To encourage interaction between EAPL members on specific common topics of interest, we are welcoming oral symposia.
  • A symposium organiser/chair invites three to five colleagues, ideally from different research groups.
  • A symposium will contain a maximum of 5 presentations and can last up to 1,5 hours maximum.
  • The duration of one presentation is 15 minutes maximum. Within each symposium, a minimum of 10 minutes should be left for final discussions.


To submit an abstract of up to 250 words for an oral, poster presentation or blitz-talk, create an account using the online abstract submission form available here. The symposium submission form is separate and can be accessed here. Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent by May 15, 2025. Following this date, all presenting authors will need to complete their registration and payment for the conference.

Please note: the registration to the submission platform is not a registration to the Conference. Each presenting author needs to register independently for the conference until early registration deadline 1 June 2025.

The proposed structure of the empirical abstracts is as follows: 

IntroductionObjectivesMaterials & MethodsResults,and Conclusions. Up to five keywords are recommended to summarize the abstract.

Submitted abstracts should be based on collected data. However, abstracts rooted in theoretical frameworks with data collection planned after the submission deadline will also be considered. If this applies, please ensure the feasibility of your timeline. Clearly indicate the sampling method, expected sample size, research methods, data collection instruments, and data analysis approach. 

Important submission information:

  • One author can have a maximum of TWO presentations – as a first author (e.g., speaker in a symposium, or oral presentation, and one poster).
  • The duration of oral presentations is 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for discussions and questions. The duration of blitz-talks is 5 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for questions.
  • Posters are displayed for 90 minutes. Poster presenters will be asked to be present at a designated time.
  • The authors may indicate a preference for oral presentation, poster or blitz-talk on the abstract submission form. However, considering schedule limitations, the organisers reserve the right to reallocate some oral presentations to poster presentations or Blitz-Talks.
  • The author is solely responsible for the ethical and scientific content of the submission.
  • There are no fees for submitting abstracts.
  • Submitted abstracts cannot be modified or corrected after the submission deadline and will be published exactly as submitted.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes the authors consent for publication (on EAPL 2025 website, program, and other promotions).
  • Poster instructions for display will be announced later on this webpage. 


Full symposium, containing all abstracts, is submitted by the Symposium Organizer/Chair (Symposium title, description, topic and all abstracts of the Symposium).

The Symposium Organizer provides all personal details and data about each individual abstract.

A paper symposium is a cohesive cluster of research presentations and theoretical perspectives focused on a specific topic that emphasizes conceptual issues and an integration of findings with representation from multiple institutions and preferably geographical locations. It includes 4-5 individual abstracts on the same topic. 

Please note that abstracts included in a symposium do not need to be re-submitted individually by their authors.

For any questions, please contact us at

Main Topics

  • AI and New Technology Approaches
  • Forensic Risk Assessment and Management
  • Victims and Offenders
  • Witness Testimony
  • Biological and Genetic Bases of Violence
  • Investigative Psychology
  • Forensic and Psychological Assessment
  • Criminal Investigation

Important Information to remember:

  • Presenting author must register as a participant and pay the participation fee; otherwise, the abstract will be automatically removed from the program.
  • One author can submit a maximum of two abstracts and have a maximum of TWO presenting roles (e.g., speaker in a symposium or oral presentation and one poster).